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Checker Workflow - Checker Workflow: Implement a robust review and approval process for safety reports, enhancing accuracy and accountability.

Role & Access Management- Define user roles and access levels to ensure that the right individuals have the appropriate permissions.

QR Code based In & Out Punching- Simplify attendance tracking with QR code-based in and out punching, promoting accurate timekeeping.

Offline Mode- Ensure uninterrupted safety management on construction sites, even without network connectivity.

Photographic Evidences- Enhance safety reports with visual context using attached images for precise documentation.
    Upcoming Features
  • Create actions/tasks from your checklist

  • Add WC policy and other docs against the contractor

  • Aadhaar Data Capture using OCR

  • Create Reminder for checkpoints of the checklists


Managerial Reports

Gain comprehensive insights into safety performance with detailed reports and analytics, enabling informed decision-making and proactive risk mitigation.

Labour Mart

Seamlessly manage your workforce's safety data  compliance requirements. Ensure that your staff is equipped with the necessary safety information and training.

Contractor Mart

Simplify contractor management and safety compliance. SafetyApp allows you to efficiently monitor and collaborate with contractors to ensure safety standards are met.

Induction Training

Deliver comprehensive safety induction training to new
employees, setting the foundation for a safety-conscious workforce.

Toolbox Training

Empower your team with task-specific safety training. Our toolbox training module ensures that your workforce is well-prepared for the challenges of their roles.

Work Permit

Streamline the work permit process with automated workflows and approvals, ensuring that tasks are performed safely and in compliance with regulations.

Safety Actionable

Convert safety observations and findings into actionable insights. SafetyApp enables you to address safety concerns promptly and effectively.

Incident Reporting

Report incidents and near-misses in real time, ensuring timely response and preventive measures.

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